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 Tras más de 30 años dedicadas al mundo de la música desde las “peceras”, como “Artistas escondidas detrás de una voz”,  llegó el momento de asociar nuestros trabajos con nuestra imagen y nombres reales. En definitiva, “salir del armario”   Amigas desde 1995, nuestro camino artístico juntas empezó en 2011, pero no llegaría a materializarse hasta el 2018 con  el proyecto musical conjunto en formato B2B.
Marian Dacal Logo 2024.png
Logo de Logo Alas Negras que muestra el Instagram de Eva Martí aka XTM Feat. ANNIA en su proyecto junto a Marian Dacal llamado Marievi.
LOGO 74 75  que usa Eva Martí aka XTM Fet. ANNIA junto a Marian Dacal llamado Marievi

After more than 30 years dedicated to the world of music from the 'fish tanks,' as 'artists hidden behind a voice,' the time has come to associate our work with our real images and names. In essence, to 'come out of the closet.'

Friends since 1995, our artistic journey together began in 2011, but it would not materialize until 2018 with the joint musical project in B2B format: #mariandacalb2bevamarti.

In 2019, the 'Marievi Stories' (@marievi_oficial) emerged as a way to share our adventures in the various places we travel during the tours of the concerts we perform. From our Dadaist philosophy of #sinatureonopostureo, we try to demystify the clichés of music, artists, and add a touch of humor to life by recounting our experiences and projects.

As a result of our desire to learn and explore, the concept 'Dance at Night, Dance at Light' emerged. Traveling to places that warmly welcome us and, at the same time, engaging in some physical activity. From here, a new idea was born... 

Eva Marti and Marian Dacal, born in 1974 and 1975 respectively, created 74 & 75 Vibes with the aim of promoting dance music, i.e., 'Dance Music,' showcasing its value and, at the same time, its benefits in relation to physical activity in general. It is an artistic and cultural movement with which we intend to place and position Dance Music where it belongs and show our personal essence.


  • Instagram
Logo Alas Negras que muestra el Instagram de Eva Martí aka XTM Feat. ANNIA
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