It's simple and straightforward, as the title aptly defines. This is me, EVA MARTI, a person as a human being, an artist as a profession, and sporty as an adjective that I've carried since I was a month old and was thrown into the pool to learn how to swim. There is nothing more to add.
Sport has been a part of my life, much like brushing my teeth three times a day; for me, it is a MUST more than an obligation. It is something that is integrated into life like an accessory of a car that we choose. I have chosen this sports accessory, and it will accompany me throughout my life journey in its different aspects and forms; it will change based on my needs and possibilities, but it will ALWAYS be with me.
Life, sports, and art are, for me, the perfect combination. And if we have to find the fourth leg of the table, I will choose LOVE, and thus the table will no longer wobble.
'Fly on the Wings of Love' will accompany me throughout life, but in this phrase, there is much to interpret and much of my personality. A special energy emanates from it, and it is the driving force that has propelled me at all levels. And I go even further; I have personalized it as follows: 'FLY on YOUR Wings Of LOVE FREE by EVA MARTI & MARIAN DACAL,' because each of us flies with our own wings that take us where the love for this fantastic life, which we must make the most of, leads us.